Hinckley Mountaineering Club Constitution

HMC Constitution – approved at EGM 5th October 2024

Hinckley Mountaineering Club Constitution

1. Name

The Hinckley Mountaineering Club (HMC), hereafter referred to as the Club.

2. Address

The address of the Club will be the address of the Secretary during their term of office.

3. Object

To foster and promote all aspects of mountaineering, and associated activities such as hill walking, climbing, and mountain biking.

BMC & HMC Participation Statement

The following is brought to the attention of all current and prospective members:
Climbing, hill walking, mountaineering, and associated activities involve a danger of personal injury or death.
Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions.
Neither the Club nor Committee members are in any way responsible for the actions or inactions of others, whether they are members or not.


Whilst Club members are often willing to share knowledge and experience, this does not constitute any form of ‘Instruction’ or ‘Training’.
Any advice is given in ‘good faith’, and it is up to individuals to act on this or not. Additionally, during Club activities, members may express
their intention to complete a certain climbing, scrambling, or walking route, or an associated activity. Any other member wishing to accompany
them does so at their own risk and should ensure that their ability and personal equipment are suitable and sufficient to take part safely and
responsibly for themselves and others.

4. Club Officers

The committee will comprise eight officers who shall be responsible for the management of the Club according to the resolutions of the AGM or EGM under the articles of the constitution. The elected officers shall consist of:

  • Chairman
  • Vice Chairman
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Social Secretary
  • Meets Secretary
  • Public Relations Officer
  • Social Media Secretary

From time to time, the Club may elect a Club President from its members who, in the judgement of the Club members, has given outstanding service to the Club.
This is an honorary position with no committee responsibilities, lasting for four years from the date of inauguration. At the end of this term of office,
the holder shall normally be awarded honorary membership for life, subject to membership approval at the AGM. The honorary members shall retain all Club rights,
with membership fees being waived.

5. The Committee

  1. The committee shall comprise all the above officers apart from the Club President.
  2. The committee shall be empowered to co-opt members and appoint sub-committees as they see fit.
  3. The committee shall meet at least four times per year, including the AGM.
  4. At least 50% of Committee Members are required to be present for a meeting to be valid.
  5. The senior officer present shall chair the meeting and have the casting vote. The hierarchy is Chairman, Vice-Chairman, or Secretary, in that order. If all three are absent, the committee member with the longest membership will be deemed the Senior Officer.
  6. Virtual or video conferencing is an acceptable form of meeting attendance.

6. Election of the Committee

The members of the committee shall retire annually at the AGM, where a new committee shall be elected by the adult members present. Each nomination must be endorsed by two adult members of the Club.

7. Election of the Honorary President

  1. Nominations for President will be requested via email or other Club communications.
  2. Nominees must have the support of ten adult members.
  3. Voting will be conducted online or through paper ballots if requested.
  4. The successful candidate will be announced after the voting process concludes.

8. Membership

Membership details include provisions for adults, juniors, safeguarding, and terms of membership. Specifics are provided in the full constitution document.

9. Membership Fees and Finances

  1. Membership fees are set annually at the AGM and are due by 19th January.
  2. Members who do not pay by 31st March may lose their membership at the committee’s discretion.
  3. Club finances are managed by the Treasurer.

10. Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The AGM shall be held in November in Hinckley. Details on attendance, voting, and procedures are outlined in the constitution.

11. Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)

An EGM may be called by the committee or members representing one-third of the adult membership.

12. Auditors

Two non-committee members will review Club finances for the AGM.

13. Dissolution

If the Club is dissolved, any remaining assets will be donated to a relevant charity or transferred to a similar organisation supporting the Club’s aims.

HMC Constitution – approved at EGM 5th October 2024